Terms of Service

General Conditions applicable to the provision and remuneration of services by MA Boekhouding, established in Oss, hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor,” and filed with the Chamber of Commerce in Den Bosch on October 29, 2020.


In these terms and conditions, the following definitions apply:

  • Client: The natural or legal person who has commissioned the Contractor to perform work.
  • Contractor: The administrative office and/or (accounting) practice that enters into the Agreement and applies these general terms and conditions. All Agreements are concluded exclusively with the Contractor, regardless of whether the Client intends for certain work to be performed by a specific person or persons.
  • Work: All tasks assigned or performed by the Contractor in any capacity. This includes all work as outlined in the confirmation of assignment and/or agreement.
  • Documents: All items provided by the Client to the Contractor, including documents or data carriers, as well as all items produced by the Contractor in the course of the assignment.
  • Agreement: Any arrangement between the Client and the Contractor for the performance of work by the Contractor on behalf of the Client, as specified in the assignment confirmation.


These general terms and conditions apply to all offers, quotes, assignments, legal relationships, and agreements under which the Contractor undertakes or will undertake to perform work for the Client, as well as to all related work arising for the Contractor.

  • Deviating terms only form part of the agreement if both parties have explicitly agreed to them in writing.
  • The Client’s general terms only apply to agreements with the Contractor insofar as they do not conflict with these terms. In case of doubt, these general conditions prevail.
  • The applicability of the Client’s general conditions is expressly rejected by the Contractor.

Commencement and Duration of the Agreement

The agreement is concluded and commences when:

  1. The Client gives an oral order, which is accepted orally or in writing by the Contractor.
  2. The Client gives a written order, and the Contractor confirms it in writing.

The agreement is entered into for an indefinite period unless the nature or scope of the assignment suggests a fixed term.

Client’s Information

The Client must provide all necessary documents and data to the Contractor in a timely manner, in the form and manner specified by the Contractor.

  • The Client is responsible for the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the data provided, even if it originates from third parties.
  • If the Client fails to provide the required information on time, the Contractor has the right to suspend the execution of the assignment.

Execution of the Agreement

  • The Contractor decides how the assignment is carried out but will consider any reasonable and timely instructions from the Client.
  • The Contractor may delegate work to a third party if deemed beneficial to the assignment.
  • The Contractor will execute the assignment following applicable professional and legal standards.
  • Deadlines mentioned in the Agreement are approximate and not strict deadlines unless explicitly agreed upon in writing. Failure to meet a deadline does not automatically lead to default or cancellation of the agreement.

Confidentiality and Exclusivity

  • The Contractor is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding third parties not involved in the assignment. This includes all confidential information provided by the Client.
  • The Contractor may use numerical results for statistical purposes as long as they are not traceable to individual clients.
  • The Client is not permitted to disclose any of the Contractor’s advice, opinions, or written or oral statements to third parties without prior written consent from the Contractor.

Intellectual Property

The Contractor retains all rights to any intellectual products used or developed during the assignment. The Client is prohibited from copying, publishing, or exploiting these products without the Contractor’s explicit written permission.

Force Majeure

If the Contractor is unable to fulfill its obligations due to a non-attributable cause, including illness of employees, network disruptions, or other interruptions within its operations, the obligations will be suspended until the Contractor can fulfill them in the agreed manner. The Client may cancel the agreement in writing if this situation persists.


  • The Contractor reserves the right to suspend the execution of the assignment until the Client pays a reasonable advance.
  • The fee is based on the Contractor’s standard rates and is owed as the work progresses, regardless of the outcome of the assignment.
  • Invoices, including any additional charges for third-party services, will be issued weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually upon completion of the work.


The Client must pay the invoice within 30 days of the invoice date. Payment must be made in Euros to the Contractor’s designated bank account without any deduction or set-off.

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